Innovative Mathematical Modeling for the Analysis of Infectious Disease Data
23-24 October 2017
Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan
We are pleased to announce the third Innovative Mathematical Modeling for the Analysis of Infectious Disease Data at Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan on 23-24 October, 2017. Given recent advancement in the application of infectious disease modeling techniques to the analysis of empirical epidemic data, the third meeting in 2017 will bring together leading researchers to present the latest insights into phylodynamic investigations, and will cover topics ranging from stability study of epidemiological modeling systems to data driven predictive models for epidemic forecasting.
In particular, the international workshop in this fiscal year 2017 is financially supported by Toyota RIKEN (Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute) with an academic focus on mathematical modeling of vaccination.
The conference aims to go beyond ordinary epidemic modeling applications to explore potential unification of multiple theoretical frameworks analyzing both epidemiological and genetic data. We expect the meeting to be an opportunity for bioinformaticians, systems biologists, epidemiologists, computer scientists, statisticians, mathematicians and infectious disease experts to interact from each other.
To promote good interactions with different disciplines, the conference format is designed to promote discussion between delegates and speakers. Delegates are asked to remember that the “Innovative Mathematical Modeling for the Analysis of Infectious Disease Data” conference is affiliated with a special issue “Innovative epidemic modeling”, hosted by Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling journal. The submission of original research contribution will be open until 31st December 2017 (Note that the abstract submission deadline is 5 October 2017).
Any inquiries should be sent to:
23 October 2017 (Monday)
09:00 - 11:30 Group collaborations (via appointment)
13:00 Progress of ID modeling and international collaboration: Hiroshi Nishiura
13:10 - 14:15 Flash presentation to shake brain 1:
Kimihito Ito*, Hokkaido U
Takayuki Yamaguchi, Hokkaido U : Parameter estimation of compartmental model considering smoking status and lung cancer
Yusuke Ito, Kyushu U: Dynamics of HIV-1 co-infection in cell culture during cell-free-infection
Fuminari Miura, UTokyo: Estimating the transmissibility of norovirus in household settings from final size distributions
# "Flash Presentation to shake brain" sessions consist of four components. #
# 1. Short presentation (5 mins each × 4 presenters) #
# 2. Research proposal (3-5 mins each) #
# 3. Discussion among four (20 mins) #
# 4. Feedback from floor followed by rating (15 mins) #
# #
# 3 presenters with 1 facilitator* #
14:15 - 14:45 Invited talk from short course project
Kenji Itao, UTokyo: Numerical Analysis of Deadline of Initiation of Depopulation for Foot and Mouth Disease Control
14:45 - 14:55 Break
14:55 - 16:00 Flash presentation to shake brain 2:
Toshikazu Kuniya*, Kobe U
Louis Chan, Hokkaido U: Data and dynamics reconstruction of Ebola virus disease outbreaks in Nigeria and Sierra Leone
Nao Yamamoto, Hokkaido U: Estimating the Actual Arrival Date of Zika virus
Yusuke Kakizoe, Kyushu U: Quantification of the life cycle of Hepatitis B Virus
16:00 - 17:05 Flash presentation to shake brain 3:
Yusuke Asai*, Hokkaido U
Lankeshwara Munashinge, Hokkaido U: Deciphering the heterogeneous transmission dynamics using contact data
Shoya Iwanami, Kyushu U: Characterizing SHIV infection in vitro
Shinya Tsuzuki, Hokkaido U: Modelling the Optimal Target Age Group for Seasonal Influenza Vaccination in Japan
17:05 - 17:15 Break
17:15 - 17:45 Invited talk from short course project
Zoie Shui-Yee Wong, St Lukes: Genetic Modified Mosquitoes (GMM) introduction in Brazil: How many and when does it matter?
17:45 - 18:15 Plenary talk
Shingo Iwami, Kyushu U: Hepatitis C virus entry inhibitors for optimally boosting direct-acting antiviral-based treatments
24 October 2017 (Tuesday)
09:00 - 10:10 Flash presentation to shake brain 4:
Masaya Saito*, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Baoyin Yuan, Hokkaido U: Assessing the infection risk of dengue for Japanese travelers visiting Southeast Asian countries
Tatsuya Kurusu, Kyushu U: Quantitative analysis of APOBEC to HIV-1 infection in vivo with linear mixed effects model
Hyojung Lee, Hokkaido U: Objective determination of the end of an epidemic and its application to the Ebola outbreak with the sexual transmission and proportion of undiagnosed infection
Mitsuo Uchida, Shinshu U: Comparison of symptoms and fever duration between vaccinated and unvaccinated schoolchildren diagnosed with seasonal influenza
10:10 - 10:20 Break
10:20 - 11:30 Flash presentation to shake brain 5:
Shinji Nakaoka*, UTokyo
Yuko Hamaguchi, Hokkaido U: The annual risk of TB infection with sero-prevalence survey of interferon gamma release assay
Akane Hara, Kyushu U: A highly pathogenic simian/human immunodeficiency virus effectively spread during acute infection compared with a less pathogenic virus in Rhesus macaque
Andrei Akhmetzhanov, Hokkaido U: Quantifying key drivers in seasonality of the Lassa haemorrhagic fever spread in Nigeria
SungMok Jung, Hokkaido U: A Mathematical Model of Hepatitis A Virus Transmission and Its Application for Adult Vaccination Strategy in Korea
11:30 - 11:55 Invited talk:
Nariyuki Minami, Keio U: A stochastic model of generation time
12:00 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 14:10 Invited talk:
Toshikazu Kuniya, Kobe U: Spectral approximation theory for the numerical computation of Ro in age-structured epidemic models
14:15 - 14:30 Open talk (10 min+5 min):
Yohei Sakamoto, HokkaidoU: Estimation of the effective reproduction number of HIV in Japan
14:30 - 14:45 Open talk (10 min + 5 min):
Ryota Matsuyama, Hokkaido U: Exploration of the optimal design for transmission experiments within a fixed sample size
14:45 - 15:05 Invited talk:
Shinji Nakaoka, UTokyo: Data mining of potential probiotic bacterial species during infection in the gut
15:05 Competition results
Sponsored by:
Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute, Specially Promoted Project
This event has also been supported by extramural financial support that has offered human resources for host groups. Assisted by/cosponsored by:
Japan Science and Technology Agency CREST project (on the applicaiton of big data technique to infectious disease modeling, PI: Hiroshi Nishiura)
Japan Science and Technology Agency RISTEX, Science of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Project (PI: Hiroshi Nishiura)
AMED project (infectious disease modeling, PI: Hiroshi Nishiura)
Special issue collaboration with:
BioMed Central
Masaya Saitoh, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan
Hiroshi Nishiura, Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
Committee members:
Kimihito Ito, Hokkaido University Research Center for Zoonosis Control
Shingo Iwami, Department of Biology, Kyushu University
Hisashi Inaba, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Venue: The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Research Organization of Information and Systems
10-3 Midoricho, Tachikawa, Tokyo, 190-0014, JAPAN
Conference Accommodation
We have not secured accommodation for delegates. Please book your room on your own nearby the conference venue.
Registration form open: 7 September 2017
Deadline for registration: 5 October 2017 (speakers do not have to register; Registration is free of charge)
Abstract submission form open: 7 September 2017
Deadline for abstract submission: 5 October 2017
Registration fees
This conference is free of charge. However, please note that
the venue is not equipped with various free of charge supports for conference delegates. Accommodations as well as meals have to be secured by conference attendees themselves.
Please register your name, affiliation and email contacts
before 5 October 2017.To get registered, please submit the following information in email text with the email title "Register IMAID 2017" to:
1. Name
2. Affiliation
3. Email contact
4. Presentation: planned/not planned
Confirmation and further instructions
Confirmation of registration will be sent by email to
delegates. Further instructions will be sent out closer to the event, by email, to assist you with your visit to Tachikawa, therefore please ensure you submit a current email address when
Cancellation and transferring tickets
Cancellations must be notified in advance, or your bulk
registration will interfere conference organizers.
The registration is free of charge and does not include
insurance. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover travel, accommodation, cancellation and personal effects.
Visas and invitation letters
Invitation letters can be provided for delegates to help
obtain a visa for the conference. Please email and include your full name and address. Please allow 5 working days for the letter to be issued. It is advisable to
obtain a visa for travel as soon as possible, do not wait until abstracts have been reviewed as this may delay your chances of receiving a visa to the Japan.
Please send organizer ( a text file or a word file that contains the following
The title should be in sentence case with no full stop at the
end, e.g: Results from experiments in this field
First name, middle initials if required, and surname with no
full stop at the end. Underline the name of the corresponding author. A comma should separate author names. Where authors are from a number of different institutions, the appropriate institution
number from the affiliation list should be given as a superscript number immediately after each author’s name, e.g.:
John Smith1, Susan Jones2, Bill Fisher3
If the authors are presenting an abstract on behalf of a study
group, this information should not be included in the author list, but should appear in an Acknowledgements section.
Affiliations should include department, institute, town and
country. Where there are multiple affiliations, each should be listed as a separate paragraph. Each institute should appear in the order used against the author names (see above paragraph) and
show the appropriate superscript number, e.g.:
1Department, University, Town, State, Country, Zipcode,
2University, Town, State, Postcode, UK
2Company, Town, State, Canada, Postcode
Main text
Should not be more than 400
Please use single line
Type the text unjustified, without
hyphenating words at line breaks
Use hard returns only to end headings and
paragraphs, not to rearrange lines
Use the BioMed Central reference format
(see below)
Greek and other special characters may be
included. If you are unable to reproduce a particular special character, please type out the name of the symbol in full SI units should be used throughout (litre and molar are permitted,
Abbreviations should be used as sparingly
as possible and should be defined when first used
Web links (URLs) should be provided in
full, including both the title of the site and the URL, in the following format: Reactome []
Structured abstracts
Abstracts that describe a method, software or a database can
be submitted in an unstructured format. Research-based abstracts should be structured into sections using the following headings typed in bold with no colon at the end,
Followed by regular text, on a new line and in the same format
as shown above for main text.
Materials and methods
Tables - Tables should not be included.
Figures - Figures and illustrations should not be
Brief acknowledgements may be included and should be placed
after Conclusions and before the References. If the abstract is being presented on behalf of a study group, this information should be noted here rather than in the author list.
All references should be cited consecutively in the text,
using numbers in square brackets. Only papers that have been published, are in press, or are available through public e-print or preprint servers should be included in the reference
Journal abbreviations should follow MEDLINE
References should be at the end of the abstract in BioMed
Central style and preceded by the relevant reference number. An example of a reference for a journal article follows. The full reference style guide can be found at the journal’s website
1. Chomczynski P, Sacchi N: Single-step method of RNA
isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction. Anal Biochem 1987, 162:156-159.
Please submit your abstract as a text file or a word file